Underwater ship hull cleaning
Underwater repairs, maintenance and inspection for the international merchant fleet.
Underwater ship hull cleaning
With today’s record high bunker prices regular hull cleaning is a good investment for a Vessels Operator.
However forbidden in All Western European ports, arrangements are made to let one of our overseas partners attend the vessel on schedule in suitable ports for underwater ship hull cleaning.
Hull Fouling effects
The condition of a ship’s hull affects its speed, performance and safety. Sea-life such as algae and barnacles attach themselves to the vessel’s hull. As the hull becomes dirty and uneven, friction reduces the vessel’s speed, increases fuel consumption and places unnecessary strain on the hull and machinery
When the reduction in ship performance is associated with the condition of the ship hull, the effect of the propeller surface condition is often overlooked. Nevertheless, the effect can be significant.
The effect of the propeller surface condition is less important than the hull condition, but significantly more important in terms of energy loss per unit area.
In economic terms, high return of a relatively cheap investment can be obtained by propeller polishing.
When considering the propeller surface condition a distinction has to be made between fouling and surface deterioration coupled with an increase in propeller roughness.
Propeller polishing will not only save fuel but also a well-cleaned propeller gains speed.
The best efficiency on your fuel investments. Therefore a well maintained polished propeller is a cost and time effective asset for a vessel, a low investment with high return.
For more info on polishing your ships propeller during ship operations contact FN Diving